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Go to the shopWe’ve been riding mtb since the late 80’s when the first mountain bikes came into the uk from the states and been loving it ever since. Back then we used it as a way of getting out in the mountains and keeping fit for our summertime climbing adventures, or when the weather was too wet to climb.
Fast forward some thirty years and ignoring a few years in the wilderness spent on golf courses (don’t ask), we’re enjoying riding off-road more and more with each passing year.
When dropper posts and good LED lights became available/affordable the style and type of riding we could do through the wet winter months (there are 11 winter months in the UK) changed and we found ourselves out on steep, muddy, rooty, exciting singletrack daytime routes.
The only downside was the filthy state we got in because there were just no rear mudguards available that allowed us to ride the way we wanted. They caught on the rear tyre, on our shorts, stopped you getting off the back of the bike, snapped off, swung sideways etc. So we stopped using them and moaned about the mud, the damage to our dropper posts, the state of the washing machine, whilst shivering outside our regular post ride pub because we couldn't go and sit inside without incurring the wrath of Dave the landlord.
By the end of the wettest UK summer on record (2012) we were totally fed up with coming home covered in mud. With some pop rivets, bits of aluminium and an old mudguard we made the first Mudhugger for ourselves and after the first couple of rides realised that we had come up with something that really worked and decided to have a go at making and selling them ourselves.
7 years and thousands of muddy miles later we now have the complete solution for wet weather riding for all your 26er, 650B, 29er, Gravelbike and Fatbike needs, selling them all over the world via our dedicated Mudhugger websites. We love mountain biking and we really hope you’ll love our Mudhugger mudguards too.
Over the last few years we have developed our Mudhugger ambassador program into a worldwide community. We regularly share fantastic photo’s and videos from a wide variety of riders. These include some of the worlds fastest Downhill and Enduro racers, national and local racers and those riders, just like us, who love to get out and ride their bikes no matter what the weather does.